Return to covenant

Some time ago as I was spending time with God in the secret place, I heard Him announce

I am again establishing covenants with my people’. As I pressed Him further, He would elaborate that He was calling His bride to a closer, more intimate walk with Him. Moreover, He wishes to grant us greater authority, grace and favor, along with the privilege to both feast at His table and sit at His feet.

God’s desire for covenant was perfectly demonstrated when He established the nation of Israel. He told them that if they would obey Him and keep his covenant then they would be His people and He would be their God.

Then Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain and said, “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and what you are to tell the people of Israel:  ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ [Exodus 19: 3-6]

However, the nation of Israel continually turned away from God and went whoring after other gods; failing to keep their covenant, with disastrous results. So too we the modern church have failed to keep the precepts of the Lord and strayed from the ancient paths.

Now while it may seem that we have not faced the exact consequences as Old Testament Israel, our modern nations tell a similar story of one that has turned their back on God and pushed him aside. Our societies are riddled with broken families, political corruption and moral decline, to name a few. Even His church has failed to be the standard bearer and set the example, as we were called to do. Individually and collectively, we have broken our covenant with God.

However, while we have turned aside from God, His face is continually upon us; calling us to return to him. He is a covenant keeping God and He will not relent until He has His Holy bride. One day I heard Him say with fierce determination:

“I won’t relent, I won’t relent.

I am coming. I am not coming to make you comfortable.

The days of comfortable Christianity are over.

Do you want my glory? This is what my glory looks like.

I will have my Holy church. I will have my Holy bride.

I am coming for a bride that is without spot or wrinkle.

I will not relent until I have what is mine, what is sacred and Holy unto me”

The overshadowing of His presence

I sense the Father wants to see the return of the prominence of the church in influencing culture instead of the other way around. For that to be so, the church must first return in repentance. As we turn and realign to God He will bring into alignment all that has been out of alignment. The Father once said to me, “I want to bring you back into alignment so that I can overshadow you with my presence.

As we come back into alignment with God, back into a place of intimacy, back to holiness, He is going to breathe on us individually and corporately. The overshadowing of His presence is the ultimate sign of His favor on our lives. It is how He will mark us and distinguish us from others. We saw this demonstrated when Moses prayed to God ‘but how will the other nations know that we are yours unless your presence goes with us’.

A coming Holy Separation

The Father’s heart in these days is to restore us to His original intention; a people, a church and nations, holy and set apart unto Him. He has said to me that there is coming a shaking in His church and in the nations like we have never seen before. This will not only be shakings of the natural earth, but He has specifically highlighted to me a shaking of the global economic and financial systems; I sense that there will be other types. The word of the Lord says everything that can be shaken will be shaken. However, those standing on the rock should not fear the shakings. These shakings will distinguish those that are in covenant with Him from those that are not. In fact those that are in covenant with God can expect to receive his covenant promises in the midst of the shakings.

In the end God wishes to return us to His many promises. His call to the ancient paths is part of His desire to bless a people. It is the second half of His word that promises that if you do… I shall… that we find littered throughout His word and forever established in eternity. His eternal covenant with His people.

“For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.
Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.” [Isaiah 61:8-9


For the past few years, I have sensed the heart of the Father for the prodigal sons to return. However, my definition of a prodigal son only included those who have left the church. Recently the Lord shared with me that the prodigal sons are all of us because we have all in some way strayed from the precepts of God or exalted our way above His ways or even taken our own path instead of following after His.

The heart of the Father is to keep His covenant with us, but we must first remember our covenant with Him. The Faithful One of Israel is calling us to return to Him. He is calling us to ‘teshuvah’. This is the Hebrew word meaning to return or return to God. It is also translated as the word repentance.

Even as I write this, I can hear so clearly the Spirit of the Lord calling aloud “Return, Return, Return!!