It was in the early days of Covid lock-down when the Lord first started ministering to me about the Secret Place being akin to the Garden of Eden. The ‘secret place’ is the term we use in Christianity to describe the intimate relationship that we can have with God. It is the place where we go to commune with Him. It can also represent a place of refuge, strengthening, refreshing and safety.
The Garden of Eden was after all the first Secret Place. The place where man and woman had their first encounter with their Creator. It also intimates the heart and intention of the Father for intimacy and communion. It is the place of the original love story.
Ever since sin’s abrupt disruption to God’s original design, His heart has been for us to return to the garden, back to the place of intimacy and relationship with Him; and discover our own Secret Place.
The Covid period represented a time of great uncertainty that brought into our lives much fear and anxiety. It was little wonder that the Lord was highlighting to me the secret place as a means of countering the spirits of fear swirling in the atmosphere at the time. I also believe that He was giving me a strategy for how to not get swept up.
In the midst of today’s increasing distractions, it is more important than ever, that we do not align ourselves with the prevailing winds of our time but instead be led by His Spirit. However we can only do so if we carve out special time to sit and be alone with Him.
I believe that we are on the cusp of yet another defining moment in history and in anticipation for what is coming, the Lord is preparing His Bride for the season ahead. I believe that His desire is not just for us to endure the coming season but to thrive.
He has been consistently highlighting to me the need for consecration. I believe that this is not just a personal entreaty but one to the corporate body as well. He is calling us to lay down and re-commit our lives to Him.
As I spent time in the secret place with Him, I heard him make this promise, He said that in the darkest of times, it is to the consecrated that He will reveal His hidden treasures.
“I will give you hidden treasures,riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3
In this hour the Lord is once again beckoning us to return to the secret place. I share with you below an invitation He spoke to me:
“Go beyond. Go beyond the comfortable;
Go beyond the noise of the crowds of the gathering where there are many, but I am not there.
Go beyond the safe place, the valley of indecision.
Step into the more, the deep meeting the deep.
Come and have an adventure with me, to the place where only few discover; a place of faith.
There is so much more to be discovered, a whole new realm of possibilities, whole new truths to be discovered, a path laid out for you and me to walk in and created just for you to find a new land for my beloved. A place of wonderful discoveries laid at your feet.
Come meet with me in the garden there is so much pleasure, so much peace, so much joy in the secret place; where angels minister.
A secret garden created for you to walk in.
A place of wonder and amazement filled with so much joy.
Come walk with me. Let me refresh you.”